

Our Demand Center helps marketers deliver measurable growth through rigorous lead generation, qualification, screening and nurturing. All components of a client’s demand generation systems are integrated, optimized and benchmarked. We can manage the entire lead lifecycle, from account profiling through to demand generation, nurturing programs and event recruitment.

MLI’s lead lifecycle management platform combines our lead management processes (lead profiling, nurturing, and scoring) with our principals’ lead generation and mediation expertise to deliver exceptional ROI on demand or opportunity creation spend. The result is higher conversion rates and an overall lower cost per qualified or opportunity-ready lead.

MLI relies on standard lead nomenclatures like BANT (Budget, Authority, Need and Timeline) for effective evaluation of opportunities, but combines them with unique evaluation methods and quality control for proper assessment of market potential. Convergent validation (corroboration of an executive’s assertion of interest through additional decision-maker interviews, for example) ensures that a lead will not get stale or disappoint clients.

In parallel, MLI uses lead nurturing to incubate prospects until they show signs of purchase interest, thus avoiding indiscriminate probes and prospects burnout. This protects and enhances our client’s brand equity. Disqualified leads are migrated to longer-term nurturing programs (e-mail marketing, newsletters, whitepapers, invitations to events, etc.) that continually cultivate buyer interest over time. E-mail enquiries, form submittal signal sales or deal readiness and result in an increase in scores; the leads are considered more likely to convert to closed business and thus trigger automated alerts and live probes in a timely manner.

Outsourcing of your front-end activities with MLI results in:

• Enhanced brand equity
• Allocation of resources on the most pre-disposed prospects
• Higher campaign response rates and lead rates
• Better understanding of prospect’s buying cycles and interests
• Decrease in cost per lead and higher conversion rate of leads to sales
• Increased ROI on constrained client budgets
• Decreased sales cycle
• Cross-sale opportunities proliferation and higher average deal size


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